To Add a new event

  1. Click Events > New Event in the sidebar in the admin dashboard.
  2. Enter the artist’s name and show title in the Title field (this will not display on the page but it helps to locate the event in the list of events). You will create a full record for each artist, even when there are two artists exhibiting on the same dates. The Start date and End date fields will ensure that any two artists showing in the same current show are both displayed.
  3. Upload the image that will represent the show as the “Featured Image” (an option that is available when you have the editor set to “Document” not “Block”).
  4. Create a gallery of images for the event’s single page at the top of the main content field as follows:
    • Click the “Add Media” link.
    • When the media library opens, click the “Create Gallery” link from the links on the left.
    • Either choose images that have been already-uploaded to the media library or upload the artist’s images to the new gallery directly. Jpegs should be 800-1500px high and between 100-400kb.
    • When you have uploaded/selected all the images you want (ideal number is six but up to nine can work), click the “Create a new gallery” link.
    • The images will be arranged as thumbnails with caption fields beneath each one and the gallery will be in editable mode. Add captions to each image using a <br/> tag to force the artwork data to a second line in this format: [Artwork Title ]<br/>[ Artwork data (year dimensions media)]. If you want to re-order the images, you can drag/drop them into different positions while the gallery is in edit mode. When you are finished, click the “Insert gallery” button. You can go back and edit the images again by clicking on the gallery to activate it then clicking the pencil (edit) icon to open the gallery in edit mode. Don’t click the “X” icon on the whole gallery unless you actually want to delete the entire gallery. You can delete individual images within the gallery once you have the gallery open in edit mode.
  5. Beneath the gallery add the press release text, using a “Heading 4” header for the text so that the page-styling remains consistent and adding the paragraph content normally.
  6. Create a pdf if you want to add additional catalog content and add it as a media file. Use the “Add media” link and the system will create the link to the file automatically.
  7. Add the event details in the custom fields below the main content field as follows:
    • Artist (artist full name)
    • Show title
    • Start date (as date)
    • End date (as date)
    • Date Description (exhibition dates as a text description)
    • Reception date & time
    • One-line description (option for one additional line of info on index pages)
    • Artist page url (add the url of the artist’s page in this site without the base domain—eg “/artists/annette-morriss/”)

This information will be displayed on index pages as well as on the event’s single pages.

If in doubt, compare the page of an already-created artist record with the editable content in the backend.

To edit the content of an existing event

  1. Use the “Edit Event” link in the black toolbar at the top of the pages if you are on the artist’s page when logged in or navigate from the dashboard sidebar “Events” link and select the event record from the list.
  2. Once the record is open in edit mode, you can open the image gallery into edit mode by clicking on any image in the main content gallery then clicking the pencil/edit icon. Once the gallery is in edit mode you can move images around, delete images, add new images and edit the captions. Remember to add a <br/> tag between the artwork title and the artwork data to ensure it will format as two lines.
  3. Edit any text content on the page by clicking into the field and changing the text.
  4. You can remove the current featured image and choose a new one to change the image that represents the event on the homepage or main events page.
  5. Click the “Update” button when you are finished.